We flew in on a little prop plane to a dirt landing strip in front of the Picazuro Lodge, there are not exactly any real roads here. We hunted an area called "Gran Chaco" it is this crazy savanna, scrub brush described as alluvial sedimentary plain. I have never hunted decoyed pigeons and the only way I can describe it is like Goose hunting on Steroids. Your bird boys build a little blind, called a "Carraca", in the middle of these peanut fields, they put out 2 dozen decoys, a mechanical whirly bird thing and get ready, the pigeons just start coming in. You see them come circle the decoys and lock their wings just like a goose would coming into your set-up. There are 2 different kinds of pigeons, the Spotted, which is brown with white spots on the wings and belly's, and then there is the Picazuro, which look a lot like the pigeons here at home.

By no means did the birds we shot go to waste, most were either given to the farmers or the local Indians. We had taken pickup truck full of birds, to the Guarani Indian village and in seconds the birds were gone. It is funny, when you are in the field shooting, I guess the Indians hear this and start coming out of the Jungles and just stand there and watch in hopes of having some pigeons for dinner







