A Force of Nature...
Since a young boy, Bill Ernst has been obsessed with the outdoors. Bill began hunting at a young age and hasn't looked back since. Bill was raised around the hunting lifestyle and outdoors and was taught to respect the game, respect the land and to pass on his knowledge of the outdoors to the next generation. Over the years Bill has become one of the most respected names in the outdoor industry and serves on several Pro Staff's including, Mossy Oak, Browning, Commando Hunting Products, and now Heartland Hunters, just to name a few. Bill has hunted big game most of his life , be it spot/stalk with a bow, hanging out of a tree, sitting in a blind with his favorite rifle or shotgun, to tramping through the woods on his property in Christian county with his kids lookin' for squirrels . Bill moved to the Ozark area from Florida in 2005 after a lot of searching to find a nice place to raise his family with an outdoors upbringing. He and his family couldn’t be happier with the decision. You can read more about Bill on most any social media site. Links can be found on his website, www.spurchaser.com . Be sure to keep an eye out for Bill at many of the major outdoor shows in a vendor booth. Stop in and say 'Hello', he is always quick to swap stories.

Bill Ernst
Mossy Oak Pro Staff
Browning Pro Staff

Heartland Hunters Pro Staff
Rut-Wear Field Expert
Commando Pro Staff

